Sunday, August 8, 2010

Contest Questions Are Finally Here!!!!!

Okay everybody, the moment you've all been waiting for! Izzy and I have finally finished the questions! Sorry it took so long, we were both kinda busy this week. But now we are finished! The questions for this contest are all about chocolate!!! =) Izzy and I thought it would be fitting =) Here they are!!

1) What climates do Cocoa Trees require?

2) True or False? Napoleon supposedly carried along Chocolate on his military campaigns, and always ate it to restore energy.

3) Name at least 5 types of chocolate.

4) Name one movie that includes chocolate.

5) Name at least 9 books (and their authors) that are about chocolate.

6) What word does the word "Chocolate" come from, and what does it mean?

7) What is the scientific term for the Cocoa Tree?

8) Coco beans are ______, _______, _______ and _________ before being used to make different types of chocolate.

9) What did the Mayans and Aztecs believe about the coco beans?

10) True or False: Cocoa beans were used as a unit of calaculation and currency in the Mayan culture, but not the Aztec culture.

Now here are the bonus questions. These are optional and you can do these in place of any of the other questions above if you cant find an answer to them.

*1) Where did Milton Hershey first found his company?

*2) What year did Nestle introduce chocolate chips?

*3) Who said, "Forget love-- I'd rather fall in chocolate!"

*4) True or false: Chocolates cause headaches.