Thursday, September 2, 2010

Elder's Den

We currently have no elders, but we hope to change that soon! Like the nursery, two cats will clean it each week. Chocolatefrost or I will post the cats in charge of this week's cleaning.

Leader's Den

Here is where Mintstar sleeps. It is a small, abandoned badger's den. She also makes announcements from on top of it. Please report anything you found on your patrols, and also please tell us if your apprentice is ready for their warrior ceremony.

Medicine Cat's Den

Here is where the medicine cat treats her/his patients and keeps their herbs. If you are sick, needing some moss for bedding, please come see the medicine cat here.Also, please roleplay!

Warrior's Den

Warriors have completed their training and are now full members of the clan. The senior warriors sleep on the left side, the warmer side, and the reegular warriors sleep on the right side. Every time there are new warriors, everyone must scoot over to make room, so you might be getting a little squished. You can roleplay here as well!

Apprentice's Den

The cats six moons or older sleep here. They add 'paw' to the end of their name. Roleplay here, and make sure to keep your nest tidy!

Apprentice's Den

The cats six moons or older sleep here. They add 'paw' to the end of their name. Roleplay here, and make sure to keep your nest tidy!


Here is where the queens take care of their kits until they reach six moons and become apprentices. You can role play here!
Also, every month, apprentices need to come and clean out the nursery. If we do not have apprentices, then the warriors must do it. We only need two at a time. Mintflight or Chocolatefrost will announce whose turn it is to clean out the nursery on the Clan Info up at the top. Make sure you check it!!!


Okay, everyone, the answers have been submitted! A huge congratulations to Blackberry, our new medicine cat! Her score was a nine out of eleven, one bonus question subsituting for one missed question. So congrats and good luck!
Also, to those who are interested in medicine cat apprentice, it is has been reserved for Featherbreeze's kit. Please see either Chocolatefrost or me in the leader's den and we will see if we can have your cat become medicine cat sometime after Featherbreeze's kit.
Onto head warrior: We have none because neither of them who entered have submitted their answers. Smallstar and Stargaze, you have until Friday of next week to answer them and send them to me and Chocolatefrost. After that, we will just pull a random name out of a hat and that cat will just be the new head warrior, if they wish.
One small note: If you would like to be in the prophecy, please report to the medicine cat den. We will announce later who is in it!
Thanks very much, and, again congrats to Blackberry! Please get those answers in, Smallstar and Stargaze!
